It’s funny. Lefties are unable to have a discussion. They want to throw a lie out and then throw insults when you ask to see the evidence.
I am here for discussions. Not catch phrases.
I have seen nothing from Trump that he wants to end social security. They keep babbling about 2025 protect which the republicans do not support and Trump does not support. 10 months ago
Can you tell me what the Heritage Foundation is?
Can you explain every single news article under this search? calls to end social s…
And yes, Cheetoh Jesus has called for cuts to social security and raising the age.
You claiming youve never seen it highlights your ability to ingest information outside your bubble. 10 months ago
The heritage party is a private think tank. It’s not part of the Republican Party and doesn’t drive political agenda. Trump also has nothing to do with Heritage
So what’s your point?
Cuts is not elimination. So you aware babbling about something I already crushed.
Since you didn’t pay attention. The claim is eliminate. You can prove he plans to eliminate ? 10 months ago
Im the original reply. I’m well aware of what I wrote.
What do you think the plan is after social security benefits are lowered and the age is raised so that everyone dies before they can use it?
Secondly, if you think that think tanks dont drive policy and even literally write legislation youre delusional. 10 months ago
Hopefully removing it but that isn’t trumps plan.
Right now everyone is throwing out ideas to save the system. Eventually it’ll just crush under its own weight