I think 100 is unreasonable, especially if it’s a minimum agreed level of service. Peak usage would absolutely suffer and be hard to maintain at that level.
I think the should raise it to 25/10 though. 3mbps up sucks for things like video calls. 5 is probably enough, but 3 is just too low.
I personally have 50/25 ($55/month total), and it’s plenty fast for everything I’ve needed. I plan to upgrade soon when I get on my city’s new fiber network, but I’m unwilling to pay for anything much faster right now.
Buffalox@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Wow, that would be pretty great, unless there’s a data cap, which makes it useless.
AProfessional@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Caps are allowed but the FCC has shown interest in regulating it. Maybe some decade.
Buffalox@lemmy.world 10 months ago
With caps it’s completely worthless. It’s not broadband if it’s throttled below it.