Comment on UK has worst rate of child alcohol consumption in world, report finds ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

This is any consumtion at any level. This whole story hangs on if any alcohol consumption, at all, under 13 leads to harm. Something they have one quote on.

“People tend to have this perception that introducing children to moderate drinking is a good way of teaching them safer drinking habits. This is untrue. The earlier a child drinks, the more likely they are to develop problems with alcohol in later life.”

To date, in recent decades, each generation in UK, and elsewhere, drinks less alchole issue than the previous.…/alcohol-units-consumed-by-gender-a…


I did find:…/alcohol-and-your-child

“There is no clear answer as to which approach is best but, overall, there is little evidence that letting children try alcohol makes them less likely to develop problems with it later on. In fact, research has found that children, whose parents allow them to drink at home and/or provide them with alcohol, are probably more likely to drink more heavily when they are older.”

So it could be we are heading for a fresh boozing generation after years of decline. But it is not clear.
