The car prompts you every single time you enable this system to keep your eyes on the road and be prepaired to take over at any moment.
Comment on Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths 9 months agoPlenty of idiots using a cruise control system and trusting their lives to beta software.
Using it exactly as it was marketed doesn't make you an idiot. 9 months ago 9 months ago
That’s the fine print. He’s taking about the marketing - the influencer videos, Musk’s tweets of those videos, Tesla’s own marketing videos, etc. 9 months ago
You really want to get into reality versus marketing in this world? Very little marketing actually shows real world products and use cases in a real world environment. Heck, advertising often doesn’t even show the actual product at all.
Your McDonald’s burger is NEVER going to look like the marketing photo. You don’t want to get anywhere near that “ice cream” or “milkshake” from the ad either, mashed potatoes and glue are often used for those advertising replacements.
This doesn’t even get into things like disclaimers and product warnings, or people ignoring them.