Comment on Germany just now approved new laws that make setting up solar on your balcony super easy 10 months ago
How does this work in practice? I saw one where you plugged the solar cell into a device and the device plugged into a regular wall socket.
Is it really that easy? 10 months ago
Yes with a grid tie inverter it’s pretty much that easy. But doing it yourself this way can be dangerous to electricians who thought they cut the power. If the “island protection” on the inverter fails to disconnect the inverter during a power failure those wires could still be hot. 10 months ago
I would hope electricians would always double check the line they're working on regardless. 10 months ago
What's interesting about this is that you don't have to necessarily pull permits for electrical work, as nobody is running conduit or attaching to electrical panel.
Im grandfathered into an old solar rate plan, and if I change the system or add more panels I'll lose that privilege. However, if I don't have to tell the city or utility anything, that opens the door for expanding with balcony solar panels.