- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 13 comments
- Submitted 6 months ago to [deleted] | 1 comment
- Comment on This shitpost is preventing shutdown 6 months ago:
Nah. It's super good. When your comp resets unexpectedly due to updates, all of the docs you were working on open back up. Extra important when a reset happens friday and you come in on monday.
Even if the doc you were working on is located on an external drive that you're not currently connected to.For anyone that says to follow what IT tells me and to shut down all programs and the comp at end of day: no. That's what sleep is for.
- Comment on This shitpost is preventing shutdown 6 months ago:
If you just say yes and reboot it'll open back up all your open emails and drafts. I do the same for word.
Excel does not do that. Boo. - Comment on Thoughts Around KBin's Current Status and the Importance of Community Migration Features 6 months ago:
Also a good lesson to give up control to others. I and others volunteered to help with the spam problem - in direct messages to him - that went unanswered.
If people offering help and you might be overwhelmed, accept it. - Comment on does it make sense to ask your soon to be former coworkers if they'll work there in 2 years? 6 months ago:
Don't assume you can just hop into your old job. You might be forced to take a different type of job at a different location.
That being said, it's good to hop to a new job that values you more or teaches new skills. - Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
If all the money is hoarded by the rich, who is going to spend money to make the economy run?
- Comment on Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines) 7 months ago:
What happens when you join the zoom id listed?
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
Starbucks lovers
- Comment on first things first 7 months ago:
These are super important for wildlife like mountain lions and bears
- Comment on With this heat, I find an idea of a safe and temp-regulated bath-bed tempting. 8 months ago:
Wtf. This is a thing? They've electrified everything now.
- Comment on Why is the current labour party in the UK considered more center left? Do you think they will pass any policies that are considered left leaning now that they have won the majority? 8 months ago:
The reason I got into UK politics despite not living there is the parallels with us politics. It's all that Satan spawn Murdoch's fault. But the same trends her travel there. 'remain in Mexico' and Rwanda. Tax cuts for no reason. Anti trans and gay. 'woke'. Boris Johnson and trump
- Comment on Why is the current labour party in the UK considered more center left? Do you think they will pass any policies that are considered left leaning now that they have won the majority? 8 months ago:
Politicsjoe is a good outlet for uk politics. Or watch John Oliver's recent episode
Essentially, the UK has had fiscal austerity for 14 years under the conservatives. To prove that labor will be 'good for business' their new platform maintains the same cuts and has tied their own hands on taxing.
So, fiscally, there wasn't much diff with the conservatives, minus some crazy tory boondoggles like tax cuts for rich and paying tons to Rwanda to deport asylum seekers. - Comment on Should I insulate my garage attic? 8 months ago:
I have the same problem with a different setup. Half finished walls. Nothing up except the roof. No insulation on walls or ceilings. 15 degrees hotter than outside.
Lack of insulation on roof and vents that are kind of blocked by the finished walls is my issue.
Solutions I've thought about are putting a vent up high, by the ^ of the roof. Putting a fan near that. Stapling insulation to the joists, just under roof, to keep some of that heat out.Out of left field solution: get a heat pump water heater. It will be a lil loud tho.
- Comment on China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report 8 months ago:
Seems easier to commercialize a mirrored site?
- Comment on China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report 8 months ago:
Open source? Or open source with a non-commercial restriction?
- Comment on 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good? 9 months ago:
Pest inspection at the least. You want to know if you have dry rot or termites.
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
Why do poor people vote for millionares when they know they don't care about the poor?
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
Why do people buy from Amazon/Walmart when they know it's making their country poorer?
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
Why do people drive when they know it's bad for the planet
- Comment on [Serious] Do you know of any processed snack foods with some vitamins? 10 months ago:
I know you've thought of this, but encouraging you to try again. Ive found that kids will refuse something to eat and then come back to it later when they are actually hungry.
It may take a tantrum and crazy cry session, but with love and attention they can normalize and get back towards a more normal diet.
I get that kids have certain things they don't like, but for anyone whose kids only eat things that are deep fry brown, I think it's worth the short-term crisis to solve the long-term aggravation and health issues. - Comment on [Opinion] Which is worse, Israel’s lies about Gaza or its western backers who repeat those lies? | Mehdi Hasan 10 months ago:
Are the down votes because some people don't like seeing Israel called on their shit?
- Comment on Is this discoloration a problem? 10 months ago:
Uhh.. is it legit to just cut thru beams to put in piping? Over half of those beams are cut thru. I'd ask about that as well. I can't tell where this is, but if the plumber cut thru load bearing beams to put in plumbing that might be an expensive fix.
- Comment on My bioluminescent petunia 10 months ago:
Ok, I'll take back some of my hate. I thought they had put some sort of monsanto-like 'if you try to reproduce it on your own they'll die' gene.
If it's not 'pay $40 if you want another plant' then that's more reasonable. - Comment on My bioluminescent petunia 10 months ago:
Man... Fuck the US patent system.
"Our Firefly Petunias are protected under patent, and as such, propagation and breeding are not permitted. These petunias are sold exclusively for personal use." - Comment on Is it greener to just burn plastic? 10 months ago:
Japan has been burning plastic for energy as part of its recycling process - I think the parts that aren't able to be recycled
- Comment on Germany just now approved new laws that make setting up solar on your balcony super easy 10 months ago:
What's interesting about this is that you don't have to necessarily pull permits for electrical work, as nobody is running conduit or attaching to electrical panel.
Im grandfathered into an old solar rate plan, and if I change the system or add more panels I'll lose that privilege. However, if I don't have to tell the city or utility anything, that opens the door for expanding with balcony solar panels. - Comment on Germany just now approved new laws that make setting up solar on your balcony super easy 10 months ago:
How does this work in practice? I saw one where you plugged the solar cell into a device and the device plugged into a regular wall socket.
Is it really that easy? - Comment on Best options for entry level 3D printing available these days? 10 months ago:
If you're only doing one project every once in a while, consider just ordering parts from people online. They do the work, and mail you a finished part.
- Comment on The Game is Afoot 10 months ago:
I hope it's an aol trial disc