For context 16 petabytes per month is about(slightly more than) 6 gigabytes per second. Also internet was designed during times when computers were super expensive and 100% utilization was norm.
Comment on FCC restores net neutrality rules that ban blocking and throttling in 3-2 vote 9 months agoRight but if everyone sends 16 petabtyes a month the internet would collapse. Data caps do absolutely work to reduce bandwidth on a network scale. Bandwidth is measured in mbps. Limit the Mb and you reduce the necessary bandwidth. 9 months ago 9 months ago
You already buy “up to” a certain speed. When the network is congested, you just deal with it.
Trying to make people budget their internet usage is stupid and pointless. 9 months ago
but if everyone sent 16PB a month they would have some bomb ass connections as well, and i would sure hope as hell that it would hold up.
I dont even want to calculate how fast a connection would need to be for that to be a datacap. 9 months ago
More than 6 gigabytes per second 9 months ago
ok so basically fucking impossible. Cool.
Even 10 gig would only net you 1 and a bit gigs.
You would need 50 gig to saturate that properly.