lmao no you had a crazy overreaction to seeing a syntax error in a joke post
Comment on Fifty Years of the Personal Computer Operating System
oxomoxo@lemmy.world 10 months agoYikes, ok I can buy the shit posting. I think it’s fair to say it didn’t go over well. Most of the Lemmy user base is your age, who remember the dial-up days of the Internets. Most of us grew up with the Trash 80 and C64s and Apples in the classroom, which is why we are drawn to the Fediverse. So don’t be surprised when you get brigaded over a BASIC syntax error, because from our perspective it came across like a 22 year old who was pretending to know what the old days were like, and making an irrelevant comment on a post about a rather tragic part of computing history. Fair enough, we done.
whoreticulture@lemmy.blahaj.zone 10 months ago
oxomoxo@lemmy.world 10 months ago
My response to the syntax error was a joke. Which is why it’s formatted as a console log error. I didn’t think much of it, other than I didn’t understand why it was relevant to OPs post. Then he responded to my comment with some sillyness about running it through a compiler, which further didn’t make sense. But I was like whatever… It was when he started saying that he’s too old to remember syntax and how hes been programming for forty years and all this reference his experience with old tech. It smelled of some juvenile attempt to pretend to be something he’s not. Which is why I commented about this not being the place to do that because Lemmy has a large population of folks that could easily see through this. At this point I was still pretty passive and didn’t think much of it.
It’s when he wrote the whole I’m too old to remember syntax from all the programming hes been doing for 40 years since his days on blah blah. This is when I called him out.
So he responds about his tough day, and how it was just a shit post joke and I said fine, fair enough, we all have bad days. I was willing to put it to bed and call it.
Finally he writes this wall of text about, despite being on the internet since it inception, how people on Lemmy are being so mean to him and how I could just think more positively and on and on. Yeah I over reacted to improper syntax, that’s it…
whoreticulture@lemmy.blahaj.zone 10 months ago
You are continuing to overreact… you don’t need to “call out” someone for, like maybe just not being a very good programmer? You’re insane lol
oxomoxo@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Again, I am not calling him out for being bad at programming. It’s not bad to make a mistake in code, AT ALL. The very best programmer make syntax errors all the time. That’s just part of it. I am calling him out for trying to justify a comment that has no relevance to the post, that was only made to draw attention to himself, when multiple people called out the error he goes into a long deflection about how he has all this experience and makes excuses and tries to make it seem like he was victimized.
This is a small community and he does this often in other posts. It gets tiring seeing this nonsense, which I didn’t say anything about until after started with all the “back in my day” stuff. I don’t think it’s an over reaction to try to humble someone who struggles with admitting fault, (not about programming, but that he is capable of making a mistake, in any context). It’s a lesson we all should learn, especially someone who is over forty. If this makes me insane, then so be it.
CosmicCleric@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Appreciate the pull back. Sincerely don’t mean to continue the argument, but I gotta just say this last one thing, just because feeling a little beat up here on Lemmy, again …
You know, instead of just assuming negatively, you could have taken what I said at face value, instead of double-downing on your attack. You publically called me out as a liar on a public forum, without even having done one Internet search yourself on my name, though you chastised me on not donig a search myself. That’s pretty severe to do to another human being at an online social gathering.
It doesn’t do well for Lemmy if nobody wants to ever comment on anything, especially if they make a simple mistake while doing so, because they’ll get ripped apart by others, the same others who would probably wonder later why there’s not enough posts/comments activity. People’s default mode is negative here, and we’re supposed to be building a more friendlier than Reddit place here.
On top of that, someone else had replied about an error code because of the semi-colons, and I had replied back with a joke reply about the compiler accepting it (joke being BASIC is interpreted), so I was hoping that would have been enough to signal comedy (even if bad comedy) and make this a non-situation.
You know, the real irony is, when I couldn’t remember to keep or remove the semi-colons (I really did take ten seconds to try and remember, and then get pissed off at myself for getting old), I finally thought “Fuck it, I’ll leave them in”, as I’d figure that they’d augment the comedic shit-postiness even more, as well as my previous statement of not wanting to take the time to search as I was busy looking for someone.
I remember my Apple 300 baud modem well, and dialing into many BBS. Also, CompuServe (never tried Prodigy though). And of course we all did AOL.
Anyway, I’m done/exhausted, and now I’ve had to defend my programming views on both a certain video searching technique, as well as BASIC coding (and as well as the Falklands Islands). Lemmy is a fucking tough place to socialize at. 😜