Comment on Microsoft wants to hide the 'Sign out' button in Windows 11 behind a Microsoft 365 ad ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Wait, so this is not about the power menu, it's about the pop up when clicking on your account if you're signed in. They aren't adding a step to logging out of your local windows account, just to logging out of your Microsoft account if you're using that as a login.

The "Lock" button also has a new home—it now sits in the power menu alongside "Shut down," "Restart," and "Sleep" options.

THAT is where the Lock button was? Not gonna lie, I've been Windows-L-ing so long I didn't even know they had moved that to the account bubble.

I'll be honest, the article is a bit overdramatic. Yeah, they are surfacing your services there to upsell you on the ones you don't have, but it's actually not a useless piece of info (currently finding your subscriptions is an ordeal) and none of the functionality is gone. It is true that a lot of UX things around Win11 have gotten worse, though. I'm currently using additional software to replace the taskbar (which will do the Start menu, too, if you want) because the inability to move it to the sides is ridiculous on the OS you're most likely to pair with an ultrawide monitor.
