That’s a commodore computer, their keyboards aren’t terrible but they’re kind of squishy and not the best
Comment on One of my recent retro game moments 10 months ago
That keyboard… I want to touch it. Clack clack clack 10 months ago 10 months ago
Squish squish squish! 10 months ago
I actually really like the C64 keyboards - not perfect by any means, but they are some of the best keyboards in the 8-bit computers, really.
Fun thing, I wrote one NaNoWriMo novel on a C64, so I don’t think the typing comfort is too much of an issue. Though for that experiment I actually used my C64C, because the low-profile case makes things a tiny bit more ergonomic. (I don’t use it that C64 specimen much for other purposes, because it has a busted/temperamental SID. The one in the picture is my C64G, which is one of the last models produced, basically C64C guts in a breadbin-style case.) 10 months ago
I recently got out my Vic-20, which of course has a very similar keyboard. Not low-profile at all, so it really forced me to have proper typist posture. 10 months ago
Yes… You want to touch it…
But before clicking clack, tip it upside-,down and give it a couple bangs.
A whole new wooooorld! (Don’t you dare cover your mouth) 10 months ago
blep! it’s in my mouth!