Yes, no big deal. We can go back to having 640x480 displays too.
Comment on Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse 10 months ago
This author needs to go back to a time where you had to manage 512MB of memory.
People back then would've killed for 8GB now.
The problem I see though is software developers having a field day with not caring about optimizing and not making their software bloted as possible so that it doesn't require so much memory. 10 months ago 10 months ago
1.2 GB hard drives, too.
I had to think twice, it didn’t sound right… 10 months ago
The first HDD I ever bought was an 80 GB Maxtor. I have games now that wouldn’t even fit on that drive. 10 months ago
my first HDD was a whopping 40MB big (you could fit sooo many floppys on that!), weighed 10-15 pounds and was about the size of a watermelon. when starting wing commander i could determine - by the noises the motors in that thing made - at what point of the loading i was (like an acoustic progress bar lol). 10 months ago
That’s a daft take. The reason that software now requires more ram is because it can do more than in 1998. 10 months ago
That doesn't excuse the ridiculously high requirements. 10 months ago
Yeah it does because no one in 2024 expects those limitations to exist. You can find software that can run on 15mb of ram but what’s the point when 99% of systems won’t have that limitation? 10 months ago
You realize that just because things used to be worse, doesn’t invalidate complaints about how things could be better now, right? 10 months ago
I think the comparison went over your head and I didn't use a word wrong. Try not to think too much into it. Oh wait, you did. 10 months ago
the 'problem' is: you can't upgrade; you're stuck with that 8gb.
want more in a year or two? you have to buy a new mac. and that's apple's goal--sell more product. buyers will be back (because they're hooked on the platform and ecosystem) to buy a new one sooner than they otherwise would have. 10 months ago
Well that's what you get for being a tool and buying Apple products.
All of us PC users have had the convenience of upgrading anything we want. While Apple users just bitch about the choices they've made where a company decides how much they think they need and whether or not they can upgrade.
Wah wah wah.