Comment on [Troubleshooting] Cannot fix a clogging issue. 10 months ago
If you have the default nozzle for the Neptune 3, then I believe that the PTFE tube runs right down to the nozzle?
If so, that’s probably where the issue is coming from.
Get yourself a bi-metallic heat break and replace the stock one.
They’re cheap and easy to replace. The printers that I’ve had jamming issues with have been fixed by replacing the heat break with an all metal one.
You just have to lower your retraction to 2-3mm or it jams as well. 10 months ago
I put in the OP that the stock break has already been replaced with an all metal one, unfortunately symptoms remain unchanged 10 months ago
Oh shit, sorry, I totally missed that. Then yeah, no idea. 10 months ago
Youre the second person asking about this, I feel confident heat is not my problem but I’ll have to look into this when I get home.