The US government doesn’t openly torture, murder, kill to expand their borders, put people in jail for blank signs, or many other terrible things the Kremlin does. The US government is easily, hands down better than the Russian government.
Comment on NSA ’just days from taking over the internet’ warns Edward Snowden 10 months agoBecause the US is so much better? 10 months ago 10 months ago
Guantanamo Bay seemed like pretty open torture to me.
American imperialism, while different than European imperialism, is imperialism nonetheless. And damn, Native Americans would like a word with you about this point I should think…
It is no longer safe to organize a protest in Louisiana, Mississippi, or Texas. Blank signs or otherwise. This is just as if a couple of days ago, even, dang. 10 months ago
Completely off topic but your username is rad. Now I’ll be humming that song all day. 10 months ago
Guantanamo certainly wasn’t open torture, it was hidden and very controversial. My comment was about the current US government vs the current Kremlin, seems like you’re intentionally misconstruing it to make a point.
No longer safe is a biased way of interpreting the law which allows organizers to be held financially responsible for problems caused by their protest. 10 months ago
Uh, yeah it does. Not to meting the US has killed more people through colonisation, direct nd proxy wars, etc. than any other nation in human history. 10 months ago
It does what?
How many people do you think the US has killed? 10 months ago
gonna need some citations there, bud, otherwise i'll safely assume you know fuck all about world history 10 months ago
For now…