Awesome! That’s going straight on my wishlist, and I’ll probably pick it up the next time I need a game to play.
Link for the lazy to the one I found (W&G Grand Adventure). Are there more?
Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 10 months ago
I just found out there was a series off “Wallace and Gromit” adventure games from Telltale (RIP)
bought them all on steam and playing the first episode now. So far the writing and visuals are spot on
Awesome! That’s going straight on my wishlist, and I’ll probably pick it up the next time I need a game to play.
Link for the lazy to the one I found (W&G Grand Adventure). Are there more? 10 months ago
I love Telltale. I heard they were actually still working on Wolf Among Us 2 but progress is slow and they have no date set.…