Comment on In search of software for managing like a helpdesk but in a lite format ⁨5⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

O was going to make a weak suggestion, but the more I read the stronger my suggestion becomes. I strongly recommend you look at Silverbullet. It’s similar to Obsidian in that everything is a markdown file, but has an excellent query language. For example in a random file I add a task with a tag, e.g.

* [ ] Do something [priority: 30]

Then on my homepage I have this block of code:

task where done = false and
priority > 0
order by priority desc
render [[Library/Core/Query/Task]]

Which renders as a list of all my tasks on all my files ordered by priority, you can see how this becomes extremely customizable, e.g. using where page = Some/Page will only render tasks from that page.

It’s not a kanban board like you asked, but it’s great for all those stuff, and it’s highly customizable to whatever you need.

You can keep track of problems each on their own page and have a frontmatter with general information that can be queried as if it were a database.

For example I keep one page for each tool I use at my work, and on the index of my work I have a table that shows these tools and links or cli examples.
