The picture in the article is an original Commodore 64, the thumbnail however is not.
Where is the thumbnail from? Is it some sort of HTML extension when referencing something, that you can include a thumbnail, which is not visible when you read the article.
I see these “kind of fake” thumbnails everywhere!!! 10 months ago
Irony: The pictured computer is not a 1980s, 1MHz Commodore 64 but instead a 2010s, 2GHz C64x PC, a keyboard-housed x86 system that looks like a breadbin C64. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Someone in the article's own comments section makes the same assertion as me, so my guess is that they've corrected the image on the article and the Fediverse's various caches still have the original. 10 months ago
so, tom's swings-and-misses... again? 10 months ago
I agree. I knew the image in the thumbnail wasn’t a Commodore 64, because it had an @ symbol above the 2. Nope! Shoulda been quotation marks there (then).
But when I click on the article, I think that first picture is right. At least, it looks like what I remember.