Comment on Has anybody played music on their disc-based systems? 10 months ago
I used to on my PS1 and Saturn. Actually, the first CD I ever purchased was Nirvana’s Nevermind, and the first CD player I had to play that on was the Sega CD. 10 months ago
I remember with some games, you could pop the disc out and swap in a music CD without ever stopping your game. 10 months ago
There was a game for the PS1 called monster rancher, where you could put in CDs or other games to find monsters in them. 10 months ago
Loved that game and mgs when they made you swap to player 2 controller to beat one of the bosses. 10 months ago
Absolutely! I did this with Ridge Racer on the PS1. I tossed in Nirvana’s Bleach album, and Love Buzz lined up near perfect with one of the game’s track numbers.