- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
- Comment on Traveling this summer? Maybe don’t let the airport scan your face. 7 months ago:
Clear is now a TSA “vendor” for the precheck process. The machines they use for the sign up process - at least the airport I was at - don’t have the eye scanning camera in the kiosk.
The Clear representative I was asking questions of had said they don’t require eye scans for Clear, though that is the default. People can ask to use just fingerprints, which he said does disrupt the terminal process as the agents don’t think to ask if fingerprints were what was registered when the eye scans fail.
I am not advocating for Clear. I refuse to use them. I simply do want to call out that they are one of 3 who handle the process for the TSA now. People do have a choice of which of the three to use.
- Comment on Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause 9 months ago:
I already canceled them when they decided to alter my already-paid-for subscription by introducing ads. This move will guarantee I’ll never resubscribe.
- Comment on Has anybody played music on their disc-based systems? 10 months ago:
Absolutely! I did this with Ridge Racer on the PS1. I tossed in Nirvana’s Bleach album, and Love Buzz lined up near perfect with one of the game’s track numbers.
- Comment on Has anybody played music on their disc-based systems? 10 months ago:
I used to on my PS1 and Saturn. Actually, the first CD I ever purchased was Nirvana’s Nevermind, and the first CD player I had to play that on was the Sega CD.
- Comment on How social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
I was in a very similar position as you. Thirteen year user, moderator for a few smaller subreddits, including one that provided support for a US-based mobile phone carrier, and deleted everything when the API change happened.
It took time and effort to coordinate and help uplift those who generated the great content for those subreddits, but Reddit, Inc., was unwilling to help us moderators who had developed and used the tools necessary to do it. I wasn’t willing to put in the additional time since Reddit was themselves unwilling to, post API change.
- Comment on How social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
In response to such critiques, Reddit spokesperson Rathschmidt said he did not “know of an industry benchmark for scoring content quality”. (Emphasis mine)
This is the same tone deaf response I’ve come to expect from Reddit for some time now, and is why I’m happy to no longer be a user of their platform.
- Comment on How social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
Agreed. It didn’t feel respectful when they started replacing mod teams that refused to reopen.
- Comment on Clear difference 1 year ago:
- Comment on Clear difference 1 year ago:
I may not be a smart person, but aerodynamics… in space?
- Comment on Clear difference 1 year ago:
I never knew there was a difference. Is it just the nacelle placement and the little “hump” just aft of the saucer?
- Comment on Apple AirTags stalking led to ruin and murders, lawsuit says 1 year ago:
Fair point. I still feel that it could be better. I’m seeing that I can go to work, be there all day, and come home, and only receive the notification late evening. I’d prefer it to be faster for the sake of those affected by actual stalking.
- Comment on Apple AirTags stalking led to ruin and murders, lawsuit says 1 year ago:
The pixels seem to have it by default. I don’t have the Apple app, but my phone will tell me the airtag on my keys was following me. It’s pointless though, because it shows up a couple hours after the fact.
- Comment on What Game Boy game do you love that you never hear anyone talk about? 1 year ago:
Radar Mission. I can hear the music in my head from both game types whenever I think about it, right down to the music when the carrier launches the fighter. I enjoyed both game types a lot, though I remember getting frustrated as a kid until I learned the nuances of the opponents.