Comment on Later generations will have less attachment to how things were when they grew up because everything changes a lot faster.
The changes in technology from 1984 to 2004 is mind boggling fast when compared to the minimal changes between 2004 to 2024
You’d have to go pretty far back to see things change slower over 20 years than 04-24.
I think OP is just confusing hype for reality, or just isn’t old enough to know what it was like more than a decade ago.
It’s the only way their post makes sense, and if they aren’t going to clarify that’s what we have to assume 10 months ago
You’d have to go pretty far back to see things change slower over 20 years than 04-24.
I think OP is just confusing hype for reality, or just isn’t old enough to know what it was like more than a decade ago.
It’s the only way their post makes sense, and if they aren’t going to clarify that’s what we have to assume