Watching porn isn’t sex and I’m not saying porn in and of itself is as much of a problem as infinite scrolling is. You’re inferring a lot. Just do some research on infinite scrolling and think about it. If u wanna watch infinite porn, more power to you, but doesn’t mean it has negative side effects.
I’m not trying to infer, I’m asking you questions to further understand your position here. What’s your issue with porn specifically? Why is porn bad for people? You’re the one asserting this on an open forum, please explain. What’s so bad about being naked in a movie or picture and someone else watching that? We have bodies. We are adults. So what?
We’ve had infinite porn scrolling for a while now with image searches. The issue with addiction and scrolling is usually related to predatory algorithms (which op doesn’t appear to have used) and also neurochemical differences in individuals. However, addiction in terms of neurochemical balances is a highly controversial topic and in general, I side with the idea that each person should own their own body and be able to do what they like as long as it doesn’t harm others. So if someone is comfortable with watching porn all day every day and that feels fine for them, then I think that is fine as well.
There’s no need to monitor another person’s addiction and the only reason you’d want to, is if you were codependent or parentified as a child (codependency is an addiction too). I get providing your opinion and sources, but you have yet to provide a single source or even specifically say what the issue is, besides some vague concern over infinite scrolling in general. You come across as being reactive and not actually founded in any kind of moral or scientific consistency. That’s fine if that’s the case, but then maybe you should acknowledge that you could be wrong here unless you’re backing it up with sources and sound reasoning. 10 months ago
This is what people consider sex now? 10 months ago
What element of porn in general do you find offensive or problematic, if not the sexual one? 10 months ago
Watching porn isn’t sex and I’m not saying porn in and of itself is as much of a problem as infinite scrolling is. You’re inferring a lot. Just do some research on infinite scrolling and think about it. If u wanna watch infinite porn, more power to you, but doesn’t mean it has negative side effects. 10 months ago
I’m not trying to infer, I’m asking you questions to further understand your position here. What’s your issue with porn specifically? Why is porn bad for people? You’re the one asserting this on an open forum, please explain. What’s so bad about being naked in a movie or picture and someone else watching that? We have bodies. We are adults. So what?
We’ve had infinite porn scrolling for a while now with image searches. The issue with addiction and scrolling is usually related to predatory algorithms (which op doesn’t appear to have used) and also neurochemical differences in individuals. However, addiction in terms of neurochemical balances is a highly controversial topic and in general, I side with the idea that each person should own their own body and be able to do what they like as long as it doesn’t harm others. So if someone is comfortable with watching porn all day every day and that feels fine for them, then I think that is fine as well.
There’s no need to monitor another person’s addiction and the only reason you’d want to, is if you were codependent or parentified as a child (codependency is an addiction too). I get providing your opinion and sources, but you have yet to provide a single source or even specifically say what the issue is, besides some vague concern over infinite scrolling in general. You come across as being reactive and not actually founded in any kind of moral or scientific consistency. That’s fine if that’s the case, but then maybe you should acknowledge that you could be wrong here unless you’re backing it up with sources and sound reasoning.