actually this is a misunderstanding, I am mostly trying to (unintentionally) act as an intermediary between left and right in a way as I have heard both sides of arguments but frequently there’s no real conversation about each side; these kinds of articles are posted frequently on other sites where everyone is in agreement about them, but lemmy seems to have a slant of views in the opposite direction, hence discussion ensues (if people want to try to sort things out);
yet when some arguments are mutually exclusive then both sides cannot be correct, and so it would be good to try to work through disagreements to come to agreement ideally. or there is just posting of what is “normal” to the opposite side of lemmy apparently (maybe some people are unaware that this is considered “normal”?). The OP article is basically agreed on without question by tons of people who think “global warming is a scam”.
For example:
Only about one-third of Americans think climate scientists understand very well whether climate change is happening, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. And only about a quarter or less say climate scientists understand very well the effect climate change has on extreme weather, its causes and the best ways to address it.…/americans-continue-to-have-doub…
There is growing skepticism about there being (manmade) climate change. ! 10 months ago
‘Shut your fucking mouth dipshit!’