They’re trying to reach people who are still on Twitter. It’s not that hard to understand. If all the people who worked there were also posting random memes on their personal Twitter accounts you might have a point but the whole idea is to spread awareness of the shitty aspects of Twitter. People on mastodon don’t need to hear that, people trapped in the twitterverse do.
Comment on Twitter accused of bullying anti-hate campaigners 1 year ago
I find this utterly infuriating. The CCDH is accusing Twitter of this and that, and where is one of the places they make these announcements? On Twitter itself!
If 1/2 the people who state they hate Twitter or thought it was hurtful or damaging to society simply stopping posting on Twitter, the entire site would collapse. Instead these very same people who claim to not like Musk or his company, also support his platform by having an account and posting to it. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Exactly this. 1 year ago
This is referred to as a “social trap”, “social dilemma”, or “multipolar trap”, wherein everyone in a group can have an openly-rewarded incentive to act in a way that’s against the group’s common good.
From the inside, a social trap feels like:
Psychiatrist-blogger Scott Alexander has compared social traps to the ancient god Moloch, to whom everyone in a civilization sacrifices an infant in the name of social stability.…/meditations-on-moloch/
Resolving social traps is a primary problem of social organization — including (e.g.) labor organization, consumer organization (boycotts), and so on. 1 year ago
It’s fucking wild reading this from a lemmy instance full of reddit refugees 1 year ago
Reddit is a bit different because (despite Reddit’s best efforts) it was never about your personal account it was a place to read and discuss interesting things. People arent on Reddit (or Lemmy for that matter) to follow /u/someRandomInfluencer. That significantly lowers the barrier to leaving. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram are all more person centric and so leaving them mean leaving behind individuals that you want to be following and so makes it significantly harder.