Comment on How do you model complex curves? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

So, there’s a few general ways I might tackle this.

The first is with a radius gauge. something like this set can be printed out. you can then just define the radius appropriately in F360, or whatever software you’re using.

Then, in most CAD software- including in F360, you can insert pictures; and scale points on them so you can then build around it. because of optical issues with the camera this is perhaps not as precise as you might expect. However, it will get you close, and then you can print small cross sections of test pieces to verify and adjust.

Finally; the method I usually fall to: Just not caring to be perfect. You don’t have to match the cradle perfectly to the contours. you just have to match critical points. take a ruler, find two points that can act as the ‘base’, and use that as the ‘flat’ surface, then find a another couple of points that keep it sliding off.
