That’s not what this post is about.
I understand, and agree, with the sentiment that more people should consider Linux, but please don’t pretend the answer to every topic regarding Microsoft or Windows is “just switch to Linux”.
I have a machine running linux at home, I’m not afraid of a package manager, but Linux is not the answer to everything. Not yet at lesst.
I can’t refuse to use windows at work, and much as i would sometimes like to, I can’t just go and quit over what OS our computers run, that would end poorly for my livelihood and family. The purpose of this article is to highlight unfair behaviour by Microsoft, especially towards businesses. Telling the individual person to go switch to Linux is like telling somebody to just move to a different country because you did and like it there, instead of acknowledging their grievances. 10 months ago
i think the problem is the game of peoples reasoning to not get off windows.
I do agree its not the answer to move everyone to linux (just for context, my desktop is a modified windows 11, laptop is garuda(arch based), media nas is debian), its just a subset of the people have really terrible priorities.
for those who have hardware with gen 7 intel or order, yeah the situation kinda sucks. If youre IT at a company, also sucks. for those staying on 10 strictly because privacy reasons, is pretty silly given they already made the tradeoff that they rather trade off some privacy staying on windows to have a reletively hassle free experience installing other stuff (this applies even more to those using windows 7, which I find hilarious how stalwart they are not moving off the OS)
outside of how updates are handled and aome telemetry, windows 11 could be modified to have a very close to windows 10 experience, its just a game of people not wanting to make that jump if they are an individual user. I see it as a game of them not willing to put any effort in any direction to fix their situation.