Comment on AI will reduce workforce, say 41% of execs in a survey 11 months ago
AI will (be a great excuse to) reduce workforce, say 41% of people who get bonuses if they do.
Comment on AI will reduce workforce, say 41% of execs in a survey 11 months ago
AI will (be a great excuse to) reduce workforce, say 41% of people who get bonuses if they do. 11 months ago
Game’s changed. Now we fire people, try to rehire them for less money and if that doesn’t work we demand policy changes and less labour protection to counter the “labour shortage”. 10 months ago
Labor shortage is such a funny term. It’s like coming to a store and looking for 1kg of meat for 1$, not finding it and saying there’s meat shortage. Or coming to a vegetarian store and looking for 1kg of any meat and saying the same.
When everybody is employed, but the economy needs more people - that’s labor shortage. When there are people looking for jobs, but not satisfied with particular offerings - that’s something else.