Ssl doest hide the url you’re visiting
They’ve stubbornly not gotten an SSL because they transact 0 data beyond band name searches.
Even if sites do not store user account data, such as passwords, ALL websites, and I mean ALL, handle user data, because merely accessing pages (urls) is user data.
Stubbornness is not a good reason not to setup SSL. Encryption should always be on, all the time, for everything. 10 months ago 10 months ago
It does. Anyone sniffing the traffic can only see the domain. 10 months ago
Not if you use DNSSEC. 10 months ago
Yes it does. You can derive the domain from snooping DNS lookups but the URL is part of the encrypted get header. 10 months ago
The domain is a public part of TLS itself, SNI, for now. 10 months ago
Yeah we’re need encrypted SNI. I hear it’s coming soon. 10 months ago
And it’s not only about user data, it would also expose the website to content spoofing in public wifi, which would for example allow the attacker to inject fishing content in the website. The SSL encrypts the data you’re sending but it also ensures that you’re communicating only with who you think you are. Without SSL you can’t be confident about any of that.