Its a meta property in the HTML. Viisible to software, but not shown in the article.
Why is that image even there? It’s not in the original article unless my adblocker is removing it for some reason. 11 months ago 11 months ago
Afaik, it was the flag of the Third Reich from 1933 to 1935 (so before the Swastika flag). 11 months ago
It’s actually way older. It appeared first as official flag in 1867 for the north German federation, was adopted in 1871 to be the flag of the German Empire and was no longer in official use in1919 (albeit nationalist groups kept using it).
After that, you’re right.
More Info here:…/Flag_of_the_German_Empire 11 months ago
A stock image of Kiel is really not out of place for an article about Schleswig-Holstein, it being our capital and all. It’s also a fleet base. And you can find vaguely similar towers there.
What doesn’t make sense is the rest: The penguins, the what galleons I think with Imperial livery, Schwarz-Rot-Gold in combination with Imperial livery, what looks like a Lübeck flag (of all cities!) but rotated, and whatever the other flag is supposed to be. This is Kiel’s flag, for reference. Oh: Half-timbered houses. Those look like copy+pasted out of Swabia or something. 11 months ago
Okay but the penguins do make sense, right? Penguins are like the mascot of linux 11 months ago
Penguin, singular. Also none of them are fat and content enough to be Tux but fair point, that’s probably how they ended up there.