Fortunately it’s built on Wireguard. So it’s an easy way to get started with Mesh Networking.
Hamachi did the same thing 20 years ago, and is still around (I think) with a free tier that let’s you have 250 clients.
Tailscale also has the “Funnel” feature, which can route traffic into your Tailscale network without using a Tailscale client.
I’m currently a free tier of TS, and will have no problem paying for the service once I go production. It’s not expensive for what I’m getting.
I could just switch to self-hosting Wireguard, it’s the protocol Tailscale is using. 11 months ago
I’m hesitant about it too for the same reason but not sure if I’m being unreasonable given that I rely on so many other free services. However, this is one that would potentially have access to everything I do.
I’m watching headscale with interest until its safe enough for me to try breaking it! 11 months ago
I still use it, the service is very handy (and passes the wife test for ease of use)
Probably some tinfoil hat level of paranoia, but it’s one of those situations where you aren’t in control of a major component of your network.