Comment on NUC, Proxmox and HA (a noob seeking for help) 11 months agoNah it sounds far too simple to “just install Tailscale and you’re good” doesn’t it? But it really is kinda that easy.
Install the Tailscale add on for Home Assistant, sign in and set up an “exit node” (it’s a menu item, easy) then install Tailscale on your phone.
Switch it on on your phone outside your network. 3 dots in the app and select “Use exit node” and select the one you set up.
Now on your browser on your phone just type in the IP address of the self hosted service (I just have my home page address set to Homarr which has them all) and you’re done.
Really damn easy, and free 11 months ago
Tailscale is great, but it’s not something that should be shouted from the rooftops.
I use tailscale with nginx / pihole for my home services BUT there will be a point where the “free” tier of their service will be gutted / monetized and your once so free, private service won’t be so free.
Tailscale are SAAS (software as a service), once their venture capital funds look like their running dry, the funds will be coming from your data, limiting the service with a push to subscription models or a combination.
Nebula is one such alternative, headscale is another. Wire guard (which tailscale is based on) again is another. 11 months ago
I’m hesitant about it too for the same reason but not sure if I’m being unreasonable given that I rely on so many other free services. However, this is one that would potentially have access to everything I do.
I’m watching headscale with interest until its safe enough for me to try breaking it! 11 months ago
I still use it, the service is very handy (and passes the wife test for ease of use)
Probably some tinfoil hat level of paranoia, but it’s one of those situations where you aren’t in control of a major component of your network. 11 months ago
Fortunately it’s built on Wireguard. So it’s an easy way to get started with Mesh Networking.
Hamachi did the same thing 20 years ago, and is still around (I think) with a free tier that let’s you have 250 clients.
Tailscale also has the “Funnel” feature, which can route traffic into your Tailscale network without using a Tailscale client.
I’m currently a free tier of TS, and will have no problem paying for the service once I go production. It’s not expensive for what I’m getting.
I could just switch to self-hosting Wireguard, it’s the protocol Tailscale is using. 11 months ago
I hear what you’re saying and honestly it’s not something I had thought about, so thanks for that.
For myself I should be good if your prediction comes true since I already have Home Assistant through my own domain using Cloudflare. I could theoretically move all my stuff to my own domain and Nginx, etc.
I like Tailscale because I don’t have to do all that. I’m new to Self Hosting (no I’m new to running multiple VMs) so finding something that just works with minimal effort is great for a noob. I wanna learn the things (networking), but I wanna learn other things (loads!) first.
Cloudflare and a Domain wasn’t as hard as DuckDNS and Nginx, but Tailscale was easier and cheaper than that in my adventures on Home Assistant. I’ve gone from hard to easy mode.
At some point a hobby has to cost money, I may be happy to pay for Tailscale if there’s more features. I’d like to replace SMB mounts with Tailnet mounts, but currently that’s not a thing to my knowledge.
Oh and I’m not really shouting from rooftops on a self hosted Lemmy server, it’s more like a quiet chat around a campfire telling a potential newcomer and easy way. It may cost in the future or they may make enough from Businesses that they keep a free tier, but currently it’s free and easy. 11 months ago
Ahh the shouting from the rooftops wasn’t aimed at you, but the general group of people in similar threads. Lots of people shill tailscale as it’s a great service for nothing but there needs to be a level of caution with it too.
I’m quite new to the self hosting game myself, but services like tailscale which have so much insight / reach into our networks are something that in the end, should be self hosted.
If your using SMB locally between VMs maybe try proxmox, https// is something I’m looking into to replace Proxmox down the line. I share bind-mounts currently between multiple LXC from the host Proxmox OS, configuration is pretty easy, and there are lots of tutorials online for getting started. 11 months ago
Now then:
Are you sharing SMB mounts? I have my HDDs passed through to OMV and have considered just trying to pass them through to other VMs, but never tried because I don’t wanna break anything.
I have seen that you can share SMB to Proxmox and use them in Proxmox but don’t know if you can use them in VMs too.
As it is I really struggled with mounting smb for a couple of weeks and then had an “aha” moment last weekend, and have it all figured out now.
The Tailnet idea was so I can just mount everything to the Tailnet and stop worrying about whether it’s on this vlan or that. I was trying to set up an Openwrt container with VPN, which I could use for any container that needs a vpn, but then those containers couldn’t see the main network properly…
I’ve given up on that now and have my SMB mounts all set up, but feel like pass-through would give better network speeds for moving things around. 10 months ago
I think you guys lots me haha!