Comment on Roblox Studio head: 'you can say, okay, we are exploiting child labour'... 11 months ago
I have heard that different video game related income jobs are some of the most profitable available in a lot of lower income countries. Things like levelling up new accounts for players can make them more money than most of their other available options.
So I’m not surprised to hear that Roblox can be a big money maker for those people. And it has been a decent gateway into game development for people, I know that the Lethal Company dev got his start making Roblox games for example. 11 months ago
There is a genuinely not-small amount of Latin America that plays RuneScape and WoW for a living.
It’s kind of a bummer in a way, as it’s basically these middle aged Venezuelans grinding out weeks into RuneScape so some pencil necked dork can buy in game gold for cheap - but I guess if it’s better than the alternative.