Comment on Column: Social Security is again in the crosshairs of a GOP budget, even though a long-term fix would be simple
The Inuits use to push the elderly out on an ice flow.
Sure. So what? Is that your social prescription for the elderly: help them along to the final stage of life?
They do it in Canada and Europe. Isn’t that the more humane option ?
How do they do it in Canada and Europe? I seriously doubt they’re pushing 'em out into the ocean like, “Go be with the seals! We’ll miss you!”
Euthanasia. 11 months ago
Sure. So what? Is that your social prescription for the elderly: help them along to the final stage of life? 11 months ago
They do it in Canada and Europe. Isn’t that the more humane option ? 11 months ago
How do they do it in Canada and Europe? I seriously doubt they’re pushing 'em out into the ocean like, “Go be with the seals! We’ll miss you!” 11 months ago