Thank you! You’re not wrong lol, it has been a royal PITA trying to find everything at a reasonable price, but I was a bit hesitant on skimping on sanitiser. I might have a look at what other decently known sans are going for around here
Comment on Is there much difference between Stellar and Star san? How's the StellarSan stuff so cheap? 11 months ago
Starsan is a recognizable trusted brand. I know exactly what I’m getting when I buy starsan. I have never before heard of stellar and cannot vouch for how well it works.
That’s the reason for the price difference I would guess. Name recognition vs taking a gamble on some unknown brand 11 months ago 11 months ago
This is some shit advertising. Go away. 11 months ago 11 months ago
I think the snappy dude thinks I’m advertising either starsan or stellarsan, or maybe Amazon or kegland because I included the names in my screenshot or something. To be clear though, I’m not advertising anything, this was just a combination of “is this a scam?” And newbie stupidity