Comment on Marriage promotes 'White supremacy,' according to White university professor 11 months agoYou are against free speech? Or just speech you don’t like? She isn’t tenured but this is why tenure is important.
Did you read her research or just form an opinion based on the headline ? 11 months ago
She’s free to say whatever she likes, and the university is free to keep slime like her on. And similarly, I’m free to judge them based on their own speech. 11 months ago
Read he study. The best solution to her complaints is end my social programs. That would solve her complaints. End tanf, social security, etc and get complaints go away. 11 months ago
Fucking as if. Her type will always find new shit to cry about. Just because she accidentally stumbled into a good idea once it doesn’t mean she deserves respect 11 months ago
she appears to be for expanding the programs which is stupid since it would increase cost and still wouldn’t produce the results she wants.
Social Security is a Ponzai scam. She wants to allow you to give it to anyone. That way it’s not tied to marriage. Imagine handing down social security benefits from generation to generation or to strangers. The program is meant to stop when you die, or your spouse dies. That is one control on cost.
TANF is a cash program. The government shouldn’t be taking cash from me to give to anyone else. That is just a failed system right there.
We know that traditional nuclear families produce the best outcomes. We should only support families in that mode.
Some of her rant is unironically racist but I doubt anyone read the study or would pick up on it.