Comment on Teenage Afghan girls say they feel "mentally dead" as the Taliban's ban on their education prevents them from returning to school once again ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Ban, ban T-Taliban. (that's for the Shakespeare fans out there). What more proof do we need that men have not evolved beyond primitive beasts than that there is such an organization alive and well in our midst.

But then again, I live in Utah where we still haven't entered the 20th century (let alone the 21st, I've given up hope on that). Here women aren't allowed to make their own choices and women who do are considered heathens. So we're not so unlike the middle east here.

I'll never know the sheer indescribable horror of being a woman in a man-centric ignorant-based universe such as ours, but I'm sure there aren't words capable of describing such agony. I can only hope we nuke ourselves out of existence, for mankind truly has been nothing but a sick and wretched exercise in perversion from day one.
