Comment on Men over 30, what is the hardest part of balancing a work / home life? ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I switched jobs when my second was born. Id previously been working 4 nights a week. I got on well with the shifts and I had plenty of time with my then only child.

Suddenly I had to change my job, and I found myself working 8-5/5 days a week. I get maybe two hours with my son a day, and that’s usually when things are winding down for the day and after I’ve been on my feet picking orders all day.

I feel like I’m missing out on him growing up in a way I didn’t with his big sister. I do my best on weekends to give him what I used to be able to give his sister, but there’s double the work now that there’s two of them and my partner works those days so whilst also trying to be the fun and engaged dad, I’ve also got three meals to cook, household chores to do and all the other stuff I need to do that I can’t because I’m always working.

Fucking suuuuucks.
