I'm Dan. A 35 year old father of two who doesn't have nearly as much time as he needs to do half the things he wishes he had the time to do.
I mainly Toot about the following:
#VideoGames #Hockey #UKPolitics #Parenting #Reading
- Everton deducted two points for second breach of Premier League financial rules - BBC ↗Submitted 10 months ago to | 1 comment
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Teachers want ‘out of touch’ Ofsted replaced, poll shows as NEU conference kicks off 11 months ago:
I don’t for one second doubt that there’s some serious problems with Ofsted and how they conduct their inspections. I do however wonder if those being inspected are in the best position to decide if we need to blow it up.
- Comment on Princess of Wales says she is undergoing cancer treatment - BBC News 11 months ago:
I wonder if they’d even announced it had it not been for the media frenzy over the last month or so. Can’t imagine trying to shield your children from this.
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 37 comments
- Comment on Men over 30, what is the hardest part of balancing a work / home life? 11 months ago:
I switched jobs when my second was born. Id previously been working 4 nights a week. I got on well with the shifts and I had plenty of time with my then only child.
Suddenly I had to change my job, and I found myself working 8-5/5 days a week. I get maybe two hours with my son a day, and that’s usually when things are winding down for the day and after I’ve been on my feet picking orders all day.
I feel like I’m missing out on him growing up in a way I didn’t with his big sister. I do my best on weekends to give him what I used to be able to give his sister, but there’s double the work now that there’s two of them and my partner works those days so whilst also trying to be the fun and engaged dad, I’ve also got three meals to cook, household chores to do and all the other stuff I need to do that I can’t because I’m always working.
Fucking suuuuucks.
- Comment on Women's state pension: Campaigners urge payouts as Waspi report due - BBC News 11 months ago:
Why would you post an article you have not read?
Mainly because of a lack of time but a deep interest in drumming up a little activity in the community if I’m honest.
My opinion may well be wrong and Ill thought-out, but I’ll stand by posting articles from the beeb if I think they’ve got some relevance to the overall community, which I think this one does.
Thanks for the cordial conversation friend. I’ll quit my whining now.
- Comment on Brexit’s Lasting Damage Is Looking Inescapable 11 months ago:
38% of Scotland voted to Leave. 44% of Northern Ireland voted to Leave. 52% of Wales voted to Leave.
The idea that this is merely a mess of England’s making is a little unfair, because there’s plenty of blame to go around; Why did 44% of people in Northern Ireland think leaving the EU would be a good idea?
They pushed a question on people that they had no real ability to answer, and then forced us to answer that question with what was essentially a Yes/No answer.
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on UK aid to China falls by up to 90% since 2019 but still lacks transparency, watchdog finds 11 months ago:
I’m not one of those ‘stop all aid to foreign countries’ people but…why the hedge are we sending aid to China?
- Comment on Greggs hit by IT issue affecting card payments - BBC News 11 months ago:
Wonder if there’s some third party software that they’re all using that’s having a rough few days, or has been updated and broken something?
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on Youngsters who break new smoking ban face on-the-spot fines in UK 11 months ago:
Seems enforceable.
Maybe we should spend more time going after the shops that sell the cigarettes to the under age youth?
- Comment on Men Over Thirty, what's your opinion on getting the snip? 11 months ago:
I love my kids deeply…but I have no idea how people survive when they have more than two. It seems like absolute carnage.
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 42 comments
- Comment on tesco and sainsburys hit with technical issues 11 months ago:
Partner went into one of the larger stores today (she works there) and it was absolutely pandemonium. Credit to the staff because from what I understand some customers got very, very upset.
- Comment on Any recommendations for PS Vita games? 11 months ago:
Tearaway was designed from the ground up to be played on the Vita and I’d say it does a pretty fantastic job of using that hardware well. It’s also super cute.
- Comment on More than a fifth of UK adults not looking for work 11 months ago:
But business groups said more needed to be done to get more people into work amid concerns over the UK’s long-term weak economic growth.
Hmmm. Maybe better pay, better conditions and improvements to our work/life balance could do the trick here…nah it’s the workers who are lazy.
- Comment on GB News poll backfires, as 90% of voters choose to 'rejoin the EU' 1 year ago:
Quick check of the article shows what was already obvious here. Someone with reach tweeted the link to their largely pro-EU followers, who then did the thing and hijacked the poll to amusing effect.
Headline is likely a bit misleading though.
- Comment on Labour will introduce citizens' assemblies after ‘transformational’ success in Ireland - 1 year ago:
All for it.
Something like this would have been a significantly better vehicle for working out our membership of the EU.
It puts democracy back in the hands of the people, allows those people to have a say on policy and should (in theory) make our system significantly fairer, more transparent and dare I say it, more relevant to average people.
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
Lots of people are quick to snap back with ‘Why don’t the parents… parent’ but as a parent, this is the larger worry. Like, yes, I can stop my kid from having a phone but if everyone in her friend group has one and uses one, am I doing damage in not letting her experience and grow alongside her friends?
The reality is that it’s not 2002 anymore, and my children aren’t going to grow up in a house with one semi-reliable internet-access point (family PC).
It’s significantly more complicated than merely suggesting that parents be better, because…what is better here?
Not talking about you, just some of the other comments seem… incredible snappy.
- Comment on Wellingborough and Kingswood by-elections: Labour scores double victory over Tories 1 year ago:
I know turnout isn’t great at the best of times, but 33% is pretty rough. Hopefully that’s a symptom of the fact that most know there’s a GE coming in a few months …
- Comment on Councils call for pavement parking to be banned across England 1 year ago:
Sounds great in principle, but where are me and the other 60 houses down our terraced street with no off-street parking supposed to park our cars?
Yes, I’d love to live in the public transport utopia that’s just over the horizon, but right now, I need a car to get to and from work and I live in a house that was literally built before cars were a thing.
Again, I can only speak to our street but the vast majority of car owners make sure there’s ample room to get through. The issue is that there’s usually one or two assholes who ruin it for everyone, and those guys usually find out pretty quickly why it’s a bad idea to block the path.
For context: I drive, but I’ve also had two kids and therefore two pushchairs I’ve had to navigate along the pavement. My car also got totalled a few years ago by a delivery driver who drove into it whilst it was parked. Id rather it not be parked on the road/pavement but what choice do we have here?
- Comment on Pensioners will need £8,000 more than last year to have a modest retirement 1 year ago:
The thought of even having a pension worth £14k a year seems so far fetched to me. Guess I’ll just drop my hours from 45 to 39?
- Comment on Eight million UK households to get £299 cost of living payments from Tuesday 1 year ago:
PR stunt or no, I’m not going to be sending it back. Times are hard and I’ll take whatever help I can get.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 65 comments
- Comment on UK state pension age will soon need to rise to 71, say experts 1 year ago:
I can only speak to the warehouse I work in and it’s generally the case that the older the staff member, the less likely they are to be able to keep pace with the frankly ridiculous level of work we’re expected to do.
- Comment on Experts lament ‘appalling decline’ in health of under-fives in UK 1 year ago:
I’m not even sure this is exclusively an NHS issue. Is it any wonder our children are struggling when their parents are also struggling?
- Comment on UK state pension age will soon need to rise to 71, say experts 1 year ago:
At what point do we have to have a serious conversation about just what sort of work we can expect a 70 year old to be able to do?
It’s all well and good raising the retirement age, but eventually you’ll get to a point where you’ve got people who are simply unemployable because of their age.
- Comment on Let's Talk About Games - A community to talk about video games. 1 year ago:
Yes I’d prefer to stay away from the news side of the industry because I can find that stuff to be exhausting at times.
Ideally LTAG will flourish into a place to talk about what you’re playing, dissect the latest video from your favourite content creator or post some really cool art from an old magazine you’ve just found in the loft.