all ideas that you disagree with are propaganda.
all media is propaganda.
It’s a good indicator that was you said was mock-worthy. Mockery is a reasonable response for someone who thinks everyone you disagree with is a shill and that all ideas that you disagree with are propaganda.
all ideas that you disagree with are propaganda.
all media is propaganda. 11 months ago
Well, they’re a bit over the top and oversimplifying things in my opinion. But you’re also not contributing anything of value. You could instead add your perspective if it’s different. I mean I’d probably read it and it’d get us… anywhere?.. 11 months ago
I’m pointing out that they’re dismissing all opposing views as propaganda from shills, which itself is not contributing anything or in fact contributing negative value because it reduces discussions down to “my opinion is the one real truth and anyone who disagrees is a shill”. Pointing this out is my contribution, but for some reason this needs to be argued to the point of meaninglessness. 11 months ago
No I’m not, and you know it.