Most memorable call?
Comment on Mystical land pirates (with pizza) 11 months ago
I did this for more than ten years ask me anything 11 months ago 11 months ago
Definitely an extremely drunk group of college girls who seemed to be doing some hazing ritual which involved molesting the pizza boy. I’m not 100% sure exactly what was going on, but the person who answered the door had her tits out and woman behind her was on all fours spreading her cheeks, slurring something about giving her the tip. I was solicited to pick which one I preferred.
It didn’t actually go anywhere. Once I cast my vote their attention they offered me a shot and a beer (which I took, because college, poor decisions, etc) and they said I could hang out but it was all a bit too sloppy drunk for my taste so I just left mildly confused and slightly horny. 11 months ago
Who did you choose? 11 months ago
The booty. 11 months ago
Why do kids like Chex 11 months ago
Because the texture allows it to perfectly absorb all the detritus between the couch cushions for additional layers of flavor.