Comment on Phantasmagoria (PC, 1995) 11 months ago
I was a sucker for FMV games on the PC. There was the X-Files FMV adventure game, that was six CDs. So was Ripper, another adventure game that starred Christopher Walken, Karen Allen, John Rhys Davies and many more.
I also had Star Trek: Klingon, Star Trek: Borg and a thriller about a nuclear submarine called Silent Steel. 11 months ago
FMV games were so cool, especially because they’d all come on CDs, which is quite the novel format back then. Anything with a cd drive was like magic to me. 11 months ago
I tried copying a friend’s copy of Rebel Assault to my hard drive. It technically worked but the video playback was stuttery and terrible
My first CD-ROM was a quad speed for £120 and that was very cheap at the time. I then switched over to the CD edition of my favourite monthly of magazine and was adjusted by the new games I could play.
Ooh! LucasArts adventure games with full speech!