Comment on will twitter last or will it die? ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Well, Elon’s vision is to turn it into an American “wechat” that has everything a user needs. Sort of like a return to dailup AOL days where you opened up one program for accessing the internet at large. It had chat, web browser, music, etc.

That’s his vision. He’s going to try and move in that direction, and that’s partly the reason for the name change. While definitely ambitious, is it realistic? I don’t know. It could be a huge failure, staining Elon’s otherwise good track record.

For example with SpaceX he managed to reduce the cost of sending satellites by an absurd amount. From $30,000 per pound of material shot up into space, it went down to $1,200.

If he can do half of what he did with SpaceX at “X” then maybe twitter/x has a chance of not only remaining relevant but becoming something bigger.

However my personal opinion is that he is making poor decision after poor decision and unless he has a 4d chess strategy I’m not seeing it’s not going well for him. I’m withholding total judgement for now just to see what he’s going to do but honestly it’s not looking good.
