The whole existence of an abrahamic God is self defeating at its basic premise.
If God is all knowing, all good, and all powerful, then he either designed all of this, including Satan, as some fucked up experiment, or he is not perfect and he messed up somewhere.
There are no other options. 11 months ago
Well I can tell you that you’re debating on vain then. You’re never gonna convince an atheist until you have solid evidence of a higher power. And trust me, you don’t. 11 months ago
What sort of evidence would convince you? 11 months ago
Complete and irrefutable evidence that don’t require “faith” to prove it. No “look at the beauty of this world!” type of bullshit, actual miracles being performed, actual omniscient powers, abilty to create, etc. 11 months ago
These are documented in the New Testament. 11 months ago
If I told you that dogs exist and you didn’t believe me, what kind of evidence would you want to see? 11 months ago
But that’s a created thing, not a higher being.