Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago“No it’ll be so people can go be artists, and be writers and be…”
There are legit people who believe that.
And it’s not like this money appears magically the government will need to find ways to pay for this, we still haven’t solved that problem but even if we did, we’ll see that 1000 doesn’t change everyone’s situation. Stupid people will still be poor because they spend too much money. The rich will save their money, but the middle class and lower middle won’t change much because ultimately, 1000 dollars will eventually be factored into the new price of everything. 11 months ago
There absolutely is a solution to the problem: make the filthy rich pay for the privilege of being allowed to be filthy rich. Tax the absolute shit out of them on everything over $10 million, and close the stock/loan loophole. Pay the fucking piper.