Comment on Divide and rule 10 months ago
It’s worth pointing out that the two opposing countries / nations / city states in this cartoon would have to have similar governments with similar selection processes for their representatives.
It is pure lunacy to say things like “Obummer was a dictator!” when he was selected twice by people voting, and then peaceably left the office after his two terms.
Now can you say the same thing about, for instance, Putin? 10 months ago
It’s important to follow the laws of the land, otherwise there is damage to the system. Legal framework, electoral framework, political framework. So when answering your question about Putin, the electoral rules and legalities of Russia’s system must be examined. Were they violated?
That is also a question on the US national agenda for Trump. It is important to consider his case in context of the system. And to compare his real estate dealings to others who deal in real estate. What was the severity and nature of the alleged crime? Are these kinds of behaviors common in the American political class?