At least in the US, I think the jury’s still out on how history will view X/Y/Z’s handling of the climate, because… the boomers are still handling it. Once the government starts to be mostly non-boomers, I think we’ll probably see an enormous shift in that sort of policy.
Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago
I would also like to ask how you think future generations will view Generation X, millennials, or Generation Z. Because from where I’m sitting, we are going to be the ones holding the bag on the whole… destroying the planet thing? Future generations are going to look back and see that we possessed the information and the technology to halt the destruction of earth’s ecosystem, but due to our own narcissism and greed, we let it happen in slow motion.
The Boomers are also largely responsible, but that doesn’t absolve us; just like the fact that the Boomers were raised by a generation which, by modern moral standards, was far more egregious than the Boomers themselves, does not absolve them. They can at least argue partial ignorance regarding climate change, we have no such luck.
Sorry to make two top level comments but I had two separate reactions to this post. 11 months ago 11 months ago
I certainly hope so. 11 months ago
They can at least argue partial ignorance regarding climate change, we have no such luck.
I’m not sure they will. Aging Boomers are largely those still in power in the government blocking preventing meaningful climate change legislation. 11 months ago
I get that, but I just don’t have any faith that the next batch of politicians is suddenly going to be more ethical simply because they are 20 years younger. 11 months ago
You’re ignoring that the last election was the first where boomers and older weren’t the largest demographic of eligible voters…
That’s why they were called baby boomers. Because there was/is a shit ton of them.
They get blamed because of that. And that’s why future generations won’t share the same amount of blame. 11 months ago
Are we discussing the baby Boomers, or every generation born prior to GenX? Boomers and older isn’t a demographic. Millenials have been larger than Boomers for some time now.
Huh? I’m confused. What is that referring to in your last sentence? You think the reason they get blamed is because there were high birthrates at the time leading to a large generation? How tf is that their fault?