The U.S. is ranked around 45th which is disappointing considering the first amendment is supposed to guarantee freedom of the press.
Not really disappointing looking from the outside. Clickbait constitutions are good for propaganda for the populace. They tell you you’re living in the best country in the world while the politicians propose death sentence for women who have abortions. Cause war crimes the world over while populace thanks them for their service.
“Disappointing” is putting it lightly to the amount of disgrace it has caused. 11 months ago
You’re completely ignoring self-censorship practiced by the press in favour of financial gains. “Oops, looks like Nestlé just paid us a lot of cash for an ad. I guess that story about their security force beating up a bunch of slaves won’t be getting a page after all”. 11 months ago
“Nestlé also p̶a̶i̶d̶ gifted/lobbied someone in congress, we can’t be making the politician/billionaire look bad. We might lose our money tree”
People are fed so much clickbait/propaganda by their news, they end up believing ratings made by themselves. 11 months ago
Nestle is worth to be automatically boycotted. Find any alternatives to their products. A lot of alternatives to Milo in my country are available, including Energen Champion.