Comment on Your Kid May Already Be Watching AI-Generated Videos on YouTube 11 months ago
Every day the number of AI generated content in YouTube just gets more and more. It’s just people who figured out how to use the latest AI services, mashing it together with AI generated scripts, mashed together with AI generated voices and pumped out continuously every day. Some are good but most are just regurgitated content that sound great but don’t offer good information or outright just give you misinformation or just random nonsense.
It’s freaky because the number of these types of videos just keep increasing every day. 11 months ago
It’s the same as fiver generated scripts, and the same as every other technology. We learn how to deal with it… or maybe we stop watching so much youtube, or look for authentic channels…
Honestly Youtube in general becomes a sesspool of fads… until those fads wear off. 11 months ago
If there was only a way for users to let other users know whether the content is of low quality… 11 months ago
I mean ultimately the biggest problem isn’t even voting or anything. It’s that Youtube doesn’t care about giving you “quality” it cares about keeping you on the platform so it can keep feeding you ads.
This is similar to the reason I stopped reading Quora posts because they’re some of the most awful pieces of freelance writing that has nothing to do with “information transferring” and everything to do with “keeping you reading”. Feels like such a weird site.
But ultimately the trick is you have to break the cycle of watching or staying on Youtube when you get bad content… at that point then Youtube has to change so you keep coming back to watch quality recommendations instead of just “what’s popular”
Personally I mostly only will click on people I’m already subscribed to, because so much is just about “Watch time”, and like I said above, I only really value “information transfer”.