Comment on Republican senator renews push to make daylight savings permanent 11 months agoThe time changing twice a year causes enough stress that heart attacks spike 25% on the Mondays following the change.
Even my dogs hate it. 11 months ago
I know there’s data about this but I still can’t quite understand it. How is the time change any different from getting a little busier than usual one night and missing your bedtime by an hour? I can’t see how a single hour could possibly cause such drastic health effects. 11 months ago
Especially when people often travel to other time zones or sleep in on weekends…
I suspect the real issue is modern work culture leaves people with so little free time the chronic sleep deficit can’t handle the time change and a work day… 11 months ago
Because it’s universal, and in addition to those other stresses. Those other things are basically always happening at a low hum, and maybe the stress is too much for a few but most of us carry on regardless. But then the second week of March rolls around and suddenlyeveryone loses an hour, and apparently that extra stress is enough for 25% of hearts to just say “fuck it, I’m out!”