Man I don’t disagree, but this is lemmyshitpost. No one’s serious here.
Comment on I don't like what I've seen, man 11 months ago
Meanwhile in todays day have consumer cars that burn as much fuel as a semi, large 4x4 child pedestrian killers driven by soccer moms, Proud boys aren’t that old and they are pretty racist and active, School shootings, ‘anxious’ gun nuts shooting little girls on their lawns and clowns running countries into a 3rd world state during pandemics and giving bailouts to capitalist billionaires who are of a millennial age which are the entire cause of the housing crisis while there should be more than enough living space. There shouldn’t even be homeless right now.
Complain all you want about boomers but millenials came in hot on the heels to make it far worse than any boomer did. They poured gallons of gasoline on that fire.
Fuck off with this ‘Z VS Boomer’ crap especially if you’re sitting here calling their music the best and listening to it. 11 months ago 11 months ago
Lemmy shitpost all too frequently devolves (or I guess evolves) into some serious discussion. Why can’t shitpost just be shitpost?! 11 months ago
I don’t know. I just come here to shit, post, and fuck with people who don’t realise what community they’ve stumbled into after I’ve courteously made them aware of it. 11 months ago
Government is controlled by boomers. Blame should be placed on those who refuse to close loopholes and end bad laws, not those who abuse said loopholes.