That’s been the motto of video game console makers basically since the beginning of time, they want vendor lock-in. We are starting to see things shift a little bit. Microsoft is becoming a software company over hardware wanting their games to be on every platform.(GamePass is amazing. I say this as a PS fan boy) Sony is starting to follow suit with PC release these days. Helldivers stands out as the only game I can think of they have released same day on PC and not 6 months to a year later.
Nintendo will always be eccentric it’s kind of been their thing since the release of the NES. No one thought the NES would sell and basically had to give retailed their games and be paid back later by the retail stores. Just accept Nintendo for being a little different than everyone else and that’s okay to be a little bit of a snowflake. We need something/one a little different 11 months ago
Always assume that corporate decisions benefits the corporation. If decisions somehow align with customers needs and wants, it’s a positive side effect.
I 11 months ago
Well we’ll see how this “Switch Attach” system of theirs does. Tbh it just seems like they’re setting themselves up for another Wii U situation, marketing wise, but who knows… 11 months ago
Brand recognition is cool and all but the rest of the world wants numbers or entirely new names, cmon N**ntendo.