Comment on Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies 11 months ago
Everything about this just defies logic. I could improve my driving score by not braking for anything. Flat-out through roundabouts and high-speed cornering. Yellow light? Just keep rolling.
I’m now having second thoughts about even using a phone for GPS navigation. Perhaps I should use a dedicated phone that’s not logged in, or on a dedicated unlinked account.
I’m probably never buying a car with a transmitter. 11 months ago
There’s an open source navigation app called OsmAnd that uses Open Street Map data. I’ll never use Google Maps/Waze again. 11 months ago
I do have that as a backup. I’ve never used it for driving though. 11 months ago
It has so many features and customization options that it can be a little confusing until you get it set up how you want it. The first thing I’d recommend is making sure it’s in the orientation mode where the map will rotate to follow your direction of travel instead of always pointing north. (You can change the orientation mode by tapping the compass icon.) 11 months ago
Holy shit the customization is incredible! I’ve tried OSM apps in the last but I either missed this one or it’s come a long way. Either way, thank you!